Not working for me
Bought this app looking to solve the problem of receiving winmail.dat files from clients using PC’s and outlook, but it is not working for me, have tried to open many winmail.dat files and none work, mostly they go trough the winmail viewer app to TextEdit and all I get is nonsense like this: ˇˇˇ�ˇˇˇ�ˇˇˇ�ÚÌÍWÛËflêÒÌÈ-ˇˇˇNÌfl’ꉋ÷)ˇˇˇ�ˇˇˇ�ˇˇˇ�ˇˇˇ�ÿÕ√X˚ÛÏêˇˇˇ&ÎÊ·WÚˇêˆÛÒ.ˇˇˇ�˜ıÚcª£éê∆¥•êÎÊ·flÆêwˇên^°öÉÉ|ú}f€õqMˇ⁄ŒƒB͉fi`≥öÉê™èyê∆¥¶êØñÇêÃΩ∞ê»∑®êŒΩØê˜ıÙÏÁ·aÃπ©ê∫•ìêÓÈ°Œ¿¥ñ∫•ìêŒæ∞°¯ˆı¸˚˙i¡¨öê∂†ç°µùäï⁄œ∆êˇˇˇÎ·~Õª¨îø´öêÊflÿ°Ë·⁄îØñÉê§âqêúÆê±ôÖê¬ØûëÀª≠¢æ™ö샱°êÚÓÏõˇˇˇˇˇˇz…∂ßêØñÅ£∏¢è•œ¿¥ãˇˇˇ�ˇˇˇ�€–«Ñ≤ôÑë¨ì}¢¥õáìÁ‡⁄ǡˇˇÂ‹÷ì≈≤¢íƒ±°ë„⁄”§◊À¿£æ™ôëÀ∫¨í‡◊œ¢¡Æûë≈≥•ìÔÎÁ¢÷…øë¢Ñoêµûãê»∑©ê≥öÖêfl÷ÕxˆÛ∑†éë≈
So I’m pretty frustrated with winmail viewer app not working.
: :deranged: : about
Winmail Viewer - Open dat file